skob memberships
the Weeping Willows
Join Weeping Willows to become a member of the St Kevin’s Old Boy’s Football Club’s strongest supporter group.
SKOBFC has a proud history built around supporters and past players just like you. Whether it’s cheering from the sidelines, helping out around the club or attending lunches and events the Club welcomes you and values your involvement.
By becoming a Weeping Willows member you are contributing to the financial viability of the entire Club and ensuring its on-field success by providing off-field support.
There are five levels of membership in 2024:
$125 - Blue - order
$250 - Green - order
$550 - Gold - order
$1,100 - Platinum - order
$2,200 - Legends - order
Add $100 or more to any of the levels and you also become a member of the St Kevin’s Football Foundation.
Some of the benefits include:​
Your choice of an item of selected supporters apparel ie: Cap or Scarf.
Tickets to game day lunches and for Platinum and Legends, tickets to the Grand Final Kooyong lunch
Tax deductibility of your donation if made through the Australian Sports Foundation;
$1,100 & $2,200 Willows members can have a players subs included in their payment;
Note: Simply, payments made via the ASF offer the donor the ability to tax deduct the portion of the donation not used as a benefit to them. That is, if you DID NOT attend any functions or accept any merchandise you could potentially deduct the entire donation. HOWEVER, PLEASE SEEK YOUR OWN TAX ADVICE TO THIS EXTENT.